Ever since I finished my first year of graduate school, I find that I have a lot of time on my hands. Since I spent months reading 100+ pages a week, writing little essays to prove to my professors I read the content, learning about Twitter, reporting on local stories, memorizing every country and capital in the entire world, spending 6+ hours creating double trucks, and working a full time job....I feel the need to fill that time with something that will enrich my life.
Sadly, Happy Hours with coworkers don't count...because that has been the latest trend. That, and looking back at Summer '11 and how miserable I was. I had 2 friends, I spent a lot of time alone, and I was sad all the time. This summer, I've been hitting up happy hours, cultural events, free concerts and every weekend gets booked with fun activities both with friends and solo before it even arrives. I've become quite the social butterfly again and I love it.
In addition to a very alive social life, I've also spent some time learning things and paying attention to the world around me. I have a Twitter account where I follow major news stories and try to contribute something of value to the Twitterverse. I have 140 characters and I don't want to use them saying things like "out for a walk, what a beautiful day!" I wish I had more followers because then I'd feel more relevant. haha I've also taken to following Philly Twitter accounts that tell me when fun things go down in the city. Now I'm a walking Zagat guide that knows where to eat, where to drink cheap, and where to party.
I'm also in love with Instagram. I find that any picture you take with Instagram (mainly self portraits) are instantly more flattering than regular pictures. There is something about a blurred sepia tone that makes me look skinner and healthier. So that is a new addiction.
Pinterest is an elite club for people who want to post their wants and likes for the world...like myself. I now find myself pinning books to read, my Summer bucket list, books I've read, My Style and finding endless things to cook, bake, mix, and enjoy. Kind of love it and its addicting qualities.
Facebook has been around for awhile, and while I hate Timeline, I've gotten used to it. To celebrate the obnoxiously hard to stalk format, I decided to create my own little Facebook game. Remember those 30 day song challenge games? Your friends would post a song or a photo every day for 30 days under some theme. Like "A song that makes me cry....My heart will go on, Titanic." That sort of thing. Well, in the spirit of originality, I decided to create my own 30 day photo challenge. For 30 days I'm taking pictures (one a day) and posting them to Facebook right after capture. I'm taking photos of interesting, beautiful, funny and creative things. Its sort of turning into "People of Philly" (like People of Wal-Mart) but I want to maintain serious subjects in the challenge as well.
Speaking of challenges...tomorrow my work kicks off the Biggest Loser Challenge which I have told everyone that I will win. I'm plotting a serious workout routine that mixes it up and I'm going to eat deliciously healthy foods. To kick off the healthy, I indulged in a "last supper" of sorts....Chinese take out! Yay! I'll be eating salad and beans and lean meats for the next 12 weeks. Winner gets all the money and it is a $10 buy in. I'm going to win and then spend the money on Happy Hours or a trip to Atlantic City. Muahaha
In an effort to learn new things, I'm also going to try a new fruit every time I go to Reading Terminal Market to buy produce. Fortunately this is every few weeks, so I won't run out of options. My latest adventure involved a Prickly Cactus Pear, which was actually quite delicious. I think I might try Mango next. I don't think I've ever eaten a Mango before. Also, sidenote: writing has been very easy lately, I should probably take advantage of the creative juices while I can and write some stuff before I run dry again.
I'm also enjoying Thrift Store shopping, shameless flirting every weekend, wearing flowers in my hair, reading books for pleasure and going to Phillies games whenever possible. I'm pretty excited about the summer.
As for technology, I'm sure I'll be getting into Tumblr soon.
Until next time....